We Are Glad You're Here

LET's grow Together

"When we work, we work. When we pray, God works."
- James Hudson Taylor

Upcoming Events

Praise and Worship Night

Make plans to spend your evening with us as we get refreshed and renewed by the presence of God.

Bible Study

The Gift of Tongues. Unlock unlimited power from Heaven to do the Supernatural as in Acts 2.

how can we be praying with you?

We believe prayer makes a difference. Each week our team prays over every request we receive. It is an honor to join with you in prayer. Please indicate whether you would like your prayer to be shared on our prayer chain or remain confidential with the pastors.

get connected

More than 90% of the people who attend service here connected to a small group. As we can’t chat with everyone in our services, on weeks that you are not on site, worship in small group! Small group is indeed better together.